Here I sit, feet propped up, gleaming buckle up on the mantle, and teacup at my elbow.
The 2008 Badwater Ultramarathon was everything I had hoped and dreamed it would be. I had three goals: 1) Finish under 48 hours. 2) Have love and harmony happening in the crew vans. 3) Have lots of fun on this mega classic adventure. Okay, I will admit to reducing this list to only one goal on my way to the start Monday morning.
It simply became, "Don't embarrass myself or my crew."
We accomplished all three of my goals in grand style. I can't emphasize enough how important it was to me that our little Badwater Family of 7 come away from this shared time together completely supported and empowered by one another. If we had failed in that respect, this shiny buckle would be a constant reproach and a reminder that the team did not flourish. I loved the hilarity, silliness, seriousness, attention to detail, creativity, and willingness my crew embodied. Because of their care, I finished this race in better shape than I have finished any of my other 100's. Wow! My husband couldn't believe I was going up and down the stairs in our home without that awkward post-race "hobble and grab the handrails with a groan" I usually display. Yeah!!!
Thank you, Anthony, Eddie, Meredith, Mike, Paul, and Peggy.
It was a privilege to follow in the footsteps of the Badwater Greats. Though I am and always will be a climber first, I love 100's because of the character they reveal to each individual who submits to the layers of personal challenge they present.
A special thank you to Lisa Smith-Batchen & Denise Jones. I am feelin' the love, girls!